Protocol: Power to Shape Image Ladies in Fashion Diplomacy

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  • Mysterious. Irresistible. Classic Elegance.
  • Provocative. Decorative. Sexy.
  • Stylish. Feminine. Attractive.
  • Radiating optimism. Effortlessly cool. Comfortable.

Even though we do not agree with generalisation of any kind, stereotypes have evolved and became well-known internationally.

Certain adjectives are closely associated with ladies from different countries: French ladies are commonly thought of as classic, sophisticated, Italians as fashionable, elegant, Americans as cool and effortless.

When it comes to Hungarian women, the statement remains the same: ladies are still judged by their appearance worldwide.

Hungarian women are beautiful – so they say… But the sentence continues: Hungarian women have been assumed to be sexy and a tad provocative for years, who are not afraid to show what they are proud of. They are considered to be confident and outgoing, rather than being modest or shy.

And the chosen outfits usually reflect the attitude and self-awareness: how she feels about herself in that particular moment, and how she respects herself and her surroundings in general.

Just walk along the promenade by the River Danube on a Summer night, look at the terraces of local coffee shops or just recall a night at Lake Balaton during peak season- the article’s second sentence makes sense immediately. Even though we do not approve of generalisation, especially between nations and cultures, we simply cannot ignore the fact how the international public opinion regards ladies and judges by their appearance.

Some say, “Clothes don’t make the man”. Oh, but they do! Should you have any doubt about that just try taking care of some sort of formal matter being dressed provocatively, in overly feminine clothing. What is going to happen? Precisely that. We would be treated as we look at the very moment.

“Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly!”-stated Epictetus nearly two thousand years ago. Today, we could add a few more details to the quote, from the communications’ point of view: “One should dress according to the way one wishes to be treated because the chosen attire immediately reflects one’s level of social awareness, professional role and formal title in any given situation”.

What or who do I wish to be seen? We should ask this question to ourselves every morning whilst standing in front of the closet. What is my role? Do I need to appear as a wife, a mother, a leader, an influencer, or a subordinate? If we know the answer, we can choose our proper outfit accordingly.

Our attire is nonverbal tool of communication, an important part of our PR and self-branding: outfits do not only affect our ambience, but they also distinguish and express ourselves, our personality – louder than words can.

Ideally, the outfit is in sync with its bearer, it reflects one’s age, title or rank, social role, personality, culture, and religion, and also the occasion, the situation.

What is more, our choice of clothing can also show our intentions communications-wise, our representation relations, and most importantly, the wearer’s aim in the given situation.

Even when there is a strict dress-code given on an occasion, what we wear speaks more than a thousand words possibly could.


Everybody instantly associates feelings, impressions, features about the visual image we represent.

But what about those ladies who are not only present as private individuals, rather they act in official, professional roles or representatives of social commissions. They lead firms, undertakings, organisations, or communities.

They might represent institutions, a certain cause, an event, a profession or even an entire country.

 The ones holding titles in diplomacy, politics, or social establishments. What is to be expected on such levels?

Howsoever… what sort of visual experience, brand image does a Hungarian lady as a leader, in a representing role offer? Is she able, via her outfit choice, express an opinion, authority, or build trust and commitment? Is there a well-known and renowned Hungarian lady from the fields of diplomacy, politics, or fashion, who, throughout her clothing style, could serve as an example, as an ambassador of fashion diplomacy?

Someone, whose image, and style would also get international approval.  „Ductus exemplo” – Lead by example.

Jackie. Coco. Grace. Diane. Greta. Michelle. Elisabeth. Sophia. Catherine. Ava. Melania. Meghan… names, icons, role models of various times, fields and roles… with whom we can associate with a phenomenon right away. Most of the time, this association is the positive kind.

Now it is high time we take a close look and try to find some good examples nearby… ladies who can inspire others throughout their style. Who can be authentic on international levels because they are in harmony with themselves, their professional capacities? And their style and attitude reflect this type of confident elegance.

One of the aims of protocol is to show guidance in this matter. When the focus of our clothing is on femininity, instead of just showing off our womanhood. When we are able to swap the above listed -without a doubt flattering- adjectives for the definition of the stylish, sophisticated, fashionable, and strong woman.

Protocol says it fair and square: the goal for the ladies is to dress appropriately for the occasion, the event, the situation, and communication they expect to be happening.

The outfit should first and foremost follow the given dress code, be stylish, should match the held title and the person wearing it in general. 

For this reason, one must pay careful attention to the details: natural materials of quality, mostly monochrome or with discreet patterns. Primarily business colours, decently modest design, sophisticated protocol ensembles and dresses.

When it comes to professional female dressing, this is the top of the hierarchy. Of course, paired with the proper accessories, and, ideally with the same kind of attitude and behaviour, it creates harmony and authenticity inside and out.

In order to achieve results, the process has to start on a micro-level: we need to start the change with ourselves. Make small, but necessary steps making everyday changes habits. Then habits become natural, self-identical therefore authentic and true. Later on, a few steps further, start leading by example and trust that others will follow. 

And how can one be a lady ambassador of fashion diplomacy?

By following protocol guidance then discover and express the lady within oneself.

May sophisticated femininity be in fashion again!

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