With that taken into account, the creation of the World Protocol Organisation ( Organisación Mundial de Protocolo – OMP) with members of over 70 countries because of the pandemic is strikingly impressive.
These methodologies and practises have been represented through social uses, customs and habits which in certain circumstances have given way to the establishment of norms and laws. Protocol also helped setting the guidelines on the modalities of international relations and public actions, according to the social setting where the acts or events took place.
Protocol constantly evolves, adapts and develops, outlining its leading role in the formation of formal relationships at each step of our history. It works actively between governments of states, unions, cities, institutions and groups of people of any size. By defining itself as a set of norms, rules and procedures established and accepted social traditions and customs, the use of protocol is truly inevitable. For the correct planning, organizing and implementing of any formal, official, private or public activity and event, the role of protocol will, no doubt be crucial.
Experts from various fields of protocol have long been aimed for an international, broad space for academic and professional growth, and the opportunity to exchange opinions and to be able to improve themselves in the numerous subareas in protocol: communications in politics, ceremonial events and the management of several further public or private affairs.
Never has the need for unification been greater: the importance of protocol has been examined, written and spoken by many, yet an official organisation has been the missing piece all along. Several national associations indeed existed, though in this particular academic field, international relations are vital and frankly, prime for one’s success and career development.
That is why, the organising team of the the Post Forum and the the following International Protocol, Communication and Image Seminar in Argentina created the foundations of a new, incredibly unique organisation that would give the platform and the setting for what is to be soon called and be widely known as the Word Protocol Organisation.
The first World Forum was completely planned and carried out virtually between October 1-3, 2020. Later the Post Forum, held on the 23rd and 24th of October, and the International Seminar on Protocol, Communication and Image, on December 18th, had also taken place online, with a total of 8000 attendees with 125 panellists. Both events had the adhesion of several universities, various associations and academies.
During the forums, thematic lectures related to the ceremonial events, public relations, communication and image were held and particularly, seminars related to the history, the present, and most importantly, the future of the protocol.
This being said, the was presented as the initial step for the interested to study and examine the significant importance what protocol has within the framework of the global exercise: official ceremonial relations, based on foreign relations, and private ceremonial relations, from the perspective of public relations, tending to promote strong ties with their audiences.
This view of the complexity of the subject of protocol was taken into account when it came to the planning the official programme giving the inquirers a platform and most importantly, an opportunity for further discussions, expansion of perspective and knowledge. After all, there really is no better or more effective way to do so than by taking part in international discussions.
When it came to the actual forming of the organisation, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations of 2030 could not be put aside. The UN 2030 goals are indeed broad and comprehensive, as well as profound and essential. All being related to climate change, education, defense and care of the environment, the purpose of the organization of the World Protocol, Communication and Image Forum has been aiming towards an initial contribution by promoting gender equality and fundamental human rights.
For those reasons, during the making the list of exhibiting participants of the events, the organization has sought to achieve balance and equity between the genders. 48% of the total exhibitors were female, and the organisers are hoping to achieve full gender equality by the next event, with the likely inclusion of non-binary gender speakers.
With that being said, the World Protocol Organization already proved to be a modern, effective, gap-filling establishment. I am beyond delighted that Hungary is one of the founding members, by the membership of Ms. Nikoletta Hossó, as founding president of the Association of International Protocol Professionals (NPRSZ).
Ms. Hossó also joined as a Speaker the Second World Protocol Forum to join professionals from over 70 countries at the conference upon request of Mg. Francisco Caliguiri, Founding Member of WPO, Coorganiser of the First and Second World Protocol Forums, President of President of the Cordovan Association of Professional Public Relations (ACREP); PhD candidate in Social Psychology, Master in Pedagogical Management. Master Teacher of Intel Corporation, Bachelor of Public Relations, International speaker at congresses, received numerous international recognitions, the latest in Moscow (Russia), Córdoba (Argentina) and Guayaquil (Ecuador) in 2019 for his exemplary career.
In 2021, the WPO summits its second World Protocol Forum between 27- 29 May.
To follow the activities of OMP, please search:
Twitter: @OMProtocolo